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Autism, Gender-Bending, And The Transhumanist Agenda... (Remastered)
July 22, 202401:16:0769.53 MB

Autism, Gender-Bending, And The Transhumanist Agenda... (Remastered)

This is a re-edited edition of a livestream I did several years ago. Some portions of the livestream dropped and failed to record properly, so it may sound a little choppy at points. This information is important, and deserves some further scrutiny. In this broadcast, I was reading from my book, &q...

Cybernetics And The Tavistock Link...
July 16, 202401:35:0886.91 MB

Cybernetics And The Tavistock Link...

Reading from, "Tavistock Institute - Social Engineering the Masses", by Daniel Estulin...

Crowley In The Land Of Enchantment...(Remastered)
July 09, 202401:33:3185.43 MB

Crowley In The Land Of Enchantment...(Remastered)

Special Free Bonus Episode! I am making this paid-subscriber only episode free as a preview to show you what you could be missing out on by not upgrading to a paid subscriber. I hope you find value in this offering. Few people have had as profound an influence on modern occultism and pop cultur...

Alchemical Tech Revolution

The Alchemical Tech Revolution explores the ancient roots of technocracy and seeks to find the true metaphysical underpinnings of our modern society. The state of our society and technology plays a key role in understanding the science of social engineering and how it has been leveraged against us by a small group of elitists who run our world. The occult history and teachings of the various secret societies is frequently discussed to give context to things happening in our world. Current events and conspiracy theory meet esotericism and the synchromystic in this eye-opening broadcast...

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Autism, Gender-Bending, And The Transhumanist Agenda... (Remastered)

Autism, Gender-Bending, And The Transhumanist Agenda... (Remastered)

Autism, Gender-Bending, And The Transhumanist Agenda... (Remastered)
Autism, Gender-Bending, And The Transhumanist Agenda... (Remastered)
Cybernetics And The Tavistock Link...
Cybernetics And The Tavistock Link...
Crowley In The Land Of Enchantment...(Remastered)
Crowley In The Land Of Enchantment...(Remastered)
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Swedenborg And The Last Judgment...
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Understanding Metaverse/Web 3.0...
The Philosophy Of Fire...
The Philosophy Of Fire...
Nature's Solution To Health Problems...
Nature's Solution To Health Problems...
Rosicrucianism's Seven Planes Of Existence...
Rosicrucianism's Seven Planes Of Existence...
21 Reasons To Use Tahitian Noni - Take Back Your Health!
21 Reasons To Use Tahitian Noni - Take Back Your Health!
Modern Medicine's Missing Pieces...
Modern Medicine's Missing Pieces...

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Apple Podcasts
Just gonna paaz for moment here folks

Great podcast

Apple Podcasts
Great show

Would like your thoughts on Steiner an how he differs from 🌹 Cross or Madam B . Thanks for your Good Works

Apple Podcasts
Great show

Hi, Wayne. This is one of my top podcasts to tune in. I’ve gained a better grasp of occult knowledge through the years from your books and book recommendations. Thanks for your valued work. 👍🏼👍🏼

Apple Podcasts
Apocalypse Now!

This is a show to wake the mind. Realise, with Real Eyes, the deception we’ve all lived with for eons. Thank you Wayne, for reviewing so many books that otherwise I would never know were ever written. Newly awakened in Australia in early 2020, you have been a critical source of knowledge. We Will Win This War On Hum...

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